Enter below if you are under 18 years of age
I am under 18Enter below if you are over 18 years of age
I am over 18Sorry you're a bit late, this job expired on March 12, 2022. Set up a job alert to be notified when similar jobs are available.
The hospitality industry is hiring! We have 100s of jobs across our site at the moment ready to be filed by under 18s!
We're looking to hire Barcats U18s ambassadors to get under 18 signups to our site.
How it will work: You will be given a unique URL link to our site, anyone who uses this link to sign up to our site we will give you $2 for on a prezzee gift card. The sky is the limit with signups! The more signups you get, the more money you'll make!
You can share this link in anyway that suits you! Do you have a social media following? You can post it on your instagram or snapchat story, you can turn it into a QR code and ask other year groups at school to scan and sign up. Email it through to cousins and family friends, any and all methods welcome!
Pay: $2 per signup in a prezzee giftcard
What we are looking for: Energetic, engaging, ambitious and approachable people who are ready to take on the challenge!
Skills and Experience
Interview required
STARTS 7, Mar 2022
ENDS Not Specified
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