What Alert Level 3 Looks Like For NZ
Apr 16, 2020
The Government plans to make a decision on Monday 20th April about any possible changes to New Zealand's current alert level. However, to prepare for this the Government have released some information on what Alert Level 3 will look like for the country.
Level 3 is the 'Restrict' phase of the alert levels. The Prime Minister stated today that the message remains the same 'Stay home, stay stay'. However, in this phase businesses and workplaces will move from essential operations to safe operations. You must still work from home if you can.
Check out the most important measures and business' that can open in Level 3 below:
- Bubbles must stay within their immediate household bubble, but can expand this to reconnect with close family / whanau, or bring in caregivers, or support isolated people. This extended bubble should remain exclusive.
- Schools (years 1 to 10) and Early Childhood Education centres can safely open, but will have limited capacity. Children should learn at home if possible.
- People must work from home unless that is not possible.
- Businesses can open premises, but cannot physically interact with customers.
- Bars, restaurants, cafes, malls and retail stores may not open under Alert Level 3. However, food delivery, takeaways and click and collect can operate as long as no-one is engaging in face-to-face transcations
- Public venues are still closed (e.g. libraries, museums, cinemas, food courts, gyms, pools, playgrounds, markets).
- Gatherings of up to 10 people are allowed but only for wedding services, funerals and tangihanga.
- Inter-regional travel is highly limited (e.g. for essential workers, with limited exemptions for others).
To find out more about the updated regulations and any FAQ's please head directly to the COVID-19 website here which is updated daily with new information and queries!